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Lasse i Ställberg har skickat oss texten nedan. Det är, säger han, en fiktiv början på en sann story - en hel bok om "en galnings verk". Inledningen är som synes på svengelska, men resten är på svenska. För den som inte förstår engelska så bra, kan vi berätta att det handlar om situationen för många "importerade" asiatiska kvinnor. 

Masa masa in Masa Masa way

That fucking alarm clock rings and I see that it is time to get up, almost six a clock againg.
Look at my right side and see that my Valentino is still sleeping, my first thougth in this moment are…” how that last evening went out and how did I survive one more night” with this man that laying beside me. Pain in my boobs also this morning cause he drag me on the floor holding them againg.

This is a story from the behind, behind in a scene that you never will see ever, a scene that will take you to the dark side that no one will tell you, and of course no one ever will let you know about.
My story will come to the end in this story below happily,  hope to help all the other “fallangs” in our country called sweden.

My name is Sung Than from an Asian "whatevercountry" and I want to tell you a true story about to be a imported wife to a man in sweden, how to be a slave and also be be a housewife to a man that have a illness that in sweden called some kind of a “”bokstavssjukdom”””  

I will try to tell my story in your languege cause it is important that you will understand and also let another imported housewifes read this and let them know that it is dangerous and not like dancing in red to become a swedish housewife just like that.
Hope you will “not” enjoy my experience to this life, matter in fact... this story have a happy ending (there is a lot of not a happy endings for these women, i now cause i have been talking to them for this research for this book)



Det är Lasse B som skriver och inte Lasse G

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